The Fifth International Scientific Conference on Legal Sciences (ISCLS ’24)

01 June, 2024, Tetovo, North Macedonia

The Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Contemporary Social Sciences are announcing a
Call for Papers for the Fifth International Scientific Conference on Legal Sciences. The 2024 Conference topic is: “Legal and Social changes in Europe – Situation and Perspectives”.

This International Conference will address various legal, social and political issues related to the role of the life of modern and traditional society that require an adequate legal order in Europe, since the law constantly adapts to social changes since both are interdependent. On the one hand, there are demands for social changes that must be according to legal order, and on the other hand, legal order must adapt to social changes, so the key focus will be the analysis and synthesis of legal developments that adapt to social changes as well as the analysis and the synthesis of social changes that are accepted by legal order since if society changes, law also changes. This conference will examine the various legal, social and political aspects of the concerns raised.

Our Conference seeks to facilitate a multi-disciplinary debate and platform between scholars from legal, social and political sciences that examines recent developments and prospects in National, Regional, European and International level. We encourage papers that also concentrate on best practices and lessons learned for the issues to be discussed at this Conference.

Authors are invited to submit papers on any subject related to and within the scope of the Conference topic. Submissions from academics, researchers and practitioners at any stage of their career, including PhD students, will be accepted.

Important dates
Conference date: 01 June 2024
Abstract submission: 09 May 2024
Information for accepted abstract: 16 May 2024
Registration and payment: 20 May 2024
Full Paper submission: 21 June 2024

Conference Agenda

Conference Fees:
Practitioner and academic staff: 40 euro
PhD Candidates: 30 euro
Late registration: 60 euro


  • The public legal aspects of social changes in the Europe
  • The private legal aspects of social changes in the Europe
  • The political aspects of social changes in the Europe
  • The social aspects of social changes in the Europe

Conference Language

Presentation of papers during the Conference: will be in three languages: English,
Albanian and Macedonian


Authors are invited to submit original papers that have neither been published nor under publication considerations elsewhere. Papers should be written in English using MS Word, and will be selected through a blind review process. Authors are solely responsible for language editing and ethics/legal issues for submitted works.
An author can submit only one paper either as an author or as a co-author.
Abstract/Paper should be submitted on the following email:

Abstract template

Paper template

Conference mode

Hybrid form (onside & online)


The best papers will be published in the Book of Proceedings in electronic form.


Bank Account Information for Conference fee:
Payment details in Denar:
Bank account details for the transfer-MKD:

Name of the Partner Institution South East European University – Tetovo
Address of the Partner InstitutionStr. Ilindenska no.335, 1200 Tetovo, RNM
Name of the Bank STOPANSKA BANKA AD Skopje
Address of the bankStr. 11 Oktomvri no.7, 1000 Skopje, RNM
Tax ID Number 4028003134292
Account Number 200-001161622619

Payment details in Euro:
SEEU Bank account details for transfers in EURO

Name of Institution South East European University – Tetovo
Address Str. Ilindenska no.335, 1200 Tetovo, RNM
Name of the BankSTOPANSKA BANKA AD Skopje
Address of the bank Str. 11 Oktomvri no.7, 1000 Skopje, RNM
IBAN MK07200000900914749
Account Number 0009009147


Organizational Committee

  • Prof. Jeton Shasivari – Coordinator
  • Prof. Ali Pajaziti – Coordinator
  • Prof. Arta Mero – Vice Coordinator
  • Prof. Albana Metaj Stojanova – Vice Coordinator
  • Prof. Memet Memeti – Vice Coordinator
  • Prof. Agron Rustemi – Vice Coordinator

International Scientific Editorial Board

  • Prof. Adnan Jashari North Macedonia
  • Prof. Merita Zulfiu Alili North Macedonia
  • Prof. Jeton Shasivari North Macedonia
  • Prof. Ali Pajaziti North Macedonia
  • Prof. Reinhard Priebe Germany
  • Prof. JudithAnne McLauchlan USA
  • Prof. Abdullah Islamoglu Turkey
  • Prof. Mladen Vukčevič Montenegro
  • Prof. Hajredin Kuçi Kosovo
  • Prof. Mariana Semini Albania
  • Prof. Gentian Zyberi Norway
  • Prof. Kushtrim Istrefi Netherlands
  • Prof. Vigjilenca Abazi Netherlands